
At Barnes Group, our Board of Directors and senior management devote considerable time and attention to corporate governance matters and we maintain a comprehensive set of policies and procedures to enable effective corporate governance.

Policies & Procedures

Barnes Group Inc. Charter and By-Laws

Elsewhere within this Corporate Governance section, investors can also find additional biographical information on our Executive Officers and Board of Directors; the composition of the Committees of our Board of Directors; and information regarding the reporting of matters to the Board of Directors.

Compliance Reporting Tool

To report complaints or concerns:

Telephone: 1-800-300-1560

Internet: http://barnesgroupinc.ethicspoint.com

Barnes Group Corporate Compliance Hotline
P.O. Box PMB3667
13950 Ballantine Corporate Place, Ste. 300
Charlotte, NC 28277-2712

All complaints and concerns reported by the methods listed will be received by a third-party provider, who will forward each complaint or concern to the office of the General Counsel which will be responsible for relaying communications for the Board of Directors to them.

Code of Business Ethics and Conduct

Our Code of Business Ethics and Conduct and our Policy Regarding Reporting of Complaints and Concerns are provided in many different languages.